My Story
Nancy Kirkendall lives in the hills above Boulder, Colorado, near the mountain town of Nederland. She is a writer, painter, spiritual aspirant, and lover of nature. Her stories, poems, and paintings reflect her life adventures and insights into her relationship with family, friends, and nature. Two themes dominate her life: realizing her spiritual nature and creatively expressing herself. Her life has not always been easy but it has always been blessed.
In the spirit of Mark Twain, these stories tell the truth, mainly. They are from the memory and personal experiences of the author and invite the reader to contemplate their own life's journey. Some names, places, and descriptions have been changed to protect people who may not want to be in a book.
Nancy's paintings emerge from her experience and interaction with her environment. She states, “I live in the mountains. I see shadow and light fall on mountaintops and reflect on roaring creeks and waterfalls. I watch as colors melt in the Colorado sky. My paintings are studies of nature's light, shadows, and reflections.” Through color, shape, and texture Nancy brings her artistic visions and insights from nature into her art. artbynancyk.com